Friday, May 19, 2006

Affirmative Reaction!!

Affirmative Reaction!

HRD Minister, Arjun Singh, is a mad old man. He has no right to spoil the life and career of hard working young citizens of India. Reserving the majority of seats in central universities and aided and unaided institutes for SC, ST and OBC, is a disastrous step. It will definitely hamper the growth of the nation and even the reputation of the country on the universal stage.
When the people who are actually not worthy of getting an admission in the higher educational institutes, will step out as representatives of the nation, it can be anyone’s guess, what will the scene be like.
Arjun Singh is paying no heed to the agitated student’s valid protests. This is totally uncalled for. Being a Union Minister, it’s his duty and responsibility to address the concerns of the society as a whole. Personal vested interests should not be a part of the agenda of a people’s representative. But here in India, people are concerned with their vote banks and not the real problems facing the youth of the nation who are the bright future of the country.
He is not only creating a divided between various categories of the society, but also teaching the young blood what hatred and dislike for people of other classes is. He is the reincarnation of the British rule, keeping up with the policy of “divide and rule”. By telling students that what’s the use of protesting when they’ve already secures a seat for themselves, what else is he doing, if not dividing people.
The way the young medical students have been treated at the hands of the police across the country, is shameful and a blot on the name of ‘Democracy’. Being the world’s largest democracy, this is something that has written itself with black ink on the forthcoming history of the nation. And all because of a psycho, called Arjun Singh.
The future life-savers were lathi charged and abused in broad day light. Is that what they deserve after working so hard for years? They’ve burned the night lamps to be where they are. I know this coz I’ve seen my cousins and their friends forsaking all the fun that their teenage had to offer, just to acquire a seat in a prestigious institute. And they did acquire a seat in MAMC and IIT.
Just imagine their plight; if after all the hard-work and sacrifices, they would have missed an admission application, just coz they don’t belong to SC, ST or OBC category, which our ‘honorary’ HRD Minister favors.
It is so disgusting to see other ministers favoring his proposal. Only Kapil Sibal had the guts to oppose this horrendous thing, but even his lips have been sealed. What a Democracy. Right?
Everything said and done, I appeal to everyone to please stand up and raise their voice against this totally baseless compulsion. In the long run I’m sure each of us is going to be affected by this decision of the so-called authorities. So, stand up for your democratic rights. We are the ones who have selected these leaders. Hence, we are partly responsible for whatever’s happening…

SMS of the moment: Arjun Singh should have sex max 3 days a week
Coz the rest of the 3 days his wife should be reserved for OBC n on Sundays for SC/ST. . .

I know this is a very mean thing to even say, but imagine the frustration of the agitating students who are on a hunger strike since soooo many days…

Monday, February 27, 2006

Valentines' Day!

Valentines DayCity life
Busy life!
Love needs a day
In a certain way
Needs expression
Beyond all depression…
Streets come alive
With all sorts of trife.
Roses scattered by roadside
That’s an amazing sight.
Feast to the eyes
Couples going for a drive!
But cops take no time
To kill the fun and shine
Making it for some


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Gudiya: An Image Of Most Women

Gudiya, Hindi counterpart for a doll, was just another such woman who suffered at the hands of the orthodox Indian community. She was completely played with. Since times immemorial women have been the sole sufferers of the doings of men and the holders of the traditions of society. Though times are changing drastically but no real improvement have been marked in the situation of rural, even less literate urban women, throughout the world. Gudiya was another such woman who was used as a scapegoat to hold up the orthodox views and beliefs of those concerned. She lived a miserable life, she died a miserable death. And who's to be blamed for this? None other than our very own society which boasts of being progressive but completely lags behind. Just economic development does not hold the status of progression. Something more than that should be taken into consideration. What happened with Imrana was no different. The custodians of traditions forget that they are supposed to respect women in exactly the same manner as men or for that matter even more as she is the one who reproduces to keep the world going.
But ofcourse, this case of gudiya throws a lot of light on journalistic ethics as well. My friend's right when he said that being in the profession it becomes difficult to resist from such kinds of sting operations or peeping into the privacy of people. And this would become the obligation of even those like me who completely and whole-heartedly hate this. Reason being the competition. If someone else gets the news before me, I'll be on the verge of loosing my job. So the safest option would be to put my ethics in a safe vault and just go for it. Hence, a common consensus has to be reached at, if we budding journalists are to do something "different" for the society.
And as we all know, that's next to impossible.